Field trip to Erahouse Science Park

   We are excited to share with you the latest adventure of our students at the Erahouse Science Park. Our students had a wonderful day exploring and learning about science, nature, and art.

   During their visit, our students had the opportunity to participate in several exciting activities. One of the highlights was making a ceramic cup from clay. Our students were able to get their hands dirty and create something beautiful and unique. They learned about the process of making ceramics and how to mold clay into different shapes.

   The students also visited an animal farm, where they had the chance to interact with various animals and learn about their habits and habitats. The children were overjoyed to feed and care for the animals, and they gained a newfound appreciation for the beauty of nature.

   Additionally, the students had a seed planting activity, where they learned about the importance of plants and how they grow. They got their hands dirty once again and planted different types of seeds. They were thrilled to see the plants sprout and grow over time, and they learned about the importance of caring for the environment.

   Overall, the trip to the Science Park was a memorable experience for our students. They were able to learn and grow in a fun and interactive way, and they gained a newfound appreciation for science, nature, and art. We hope that this experience will inspire our students to continue exploring and learning about the world around them.
   Thank you for visiting our website, and please stay tuned for more exciting updates from our Kindergarten!

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