Admissions For 2023-2024 Academic Year Have Started

Greetings of good health to everyone!

While the current school year has been quite irregular for schools across the globe and Vietnam, the coming academic year brings with it greater hope and a promise of a brighter future. We would like to remind you about our promotions that are very much to your benefit:


A generous 8% discount is on offer for those who register for the next academic year. To receive the discount and to book a place for your child for the 2023-2024 academic year, you’re requested to pay at least a quarter of the tuition before February 15th, 2023.



    Sign up for consultation
    Student information
    Guardian information

      If parents are interested in our school fees, please register on the form below. We will contact and advise you the best financial policy as well as admission and incentive programs.

      Sign up to receive tuition information
      Student information

        Register to visit the school